Breast Conservation and Oncoplastic Surgeries

Breast Conservation and Oncoplastic Surgeries Specialist in Bhubaneswar

Oncoplastic breast surgery is a crucial cornerstone for breast cancer control. The primary purpose of breast cancer surgery is to obtain an acceptable oncological safety margin. Still, the cosmetic outcome also seems essential for social and psychological wellbeing and quality of life.

After breast-conserving surgery, the remaining breast may be revamped with volume displacement or volume substitute techniques. A better cosmetic outcome can be achieved by selecting appropriate surgical methods according to tumor location. This review shows each approach step-by-step based on the tumor’s site for each quadrant. The most important thing is to select the method first for oncological safety and then for better cosmesis.

Oncoplastic surgery is essential to all breast cancer surgeries. Using an aesthetic approach to breast conservation or mastectomy dramatically enhances the range of options offered to women with breast cancer and facilitates better outcomes. Oncoplastic lumpectomy, also called oncoplastic surgery or oncoplastic, is a reconstructive surgery aimed at preventing the breast’s appearance problems that the lumpectomy can cause. It is usually accomplished at the same time as lumpectomy.

Surgeons can use many different oncoplastic procedures to reshape the breast after extracting cancer. These choices are tailored to cancer’s location and size and an individual woman’s breasts, body, and preferences. Dr. Sudam diagnoses according to the tumor location and provides a good solution.

Treat Cancer to Beat Cancer

If you have cancer, your oncologist may suggest a variety of treatments. However, the standard cancer treatment options include surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. In addition, depending on the harshness of the disease, an oncologist may suggest other treatments.
You may feel confused during your therapy period, but consulting your doctor will solve your queries about the treatment process.

Why Choose Us Dr. Sudam

To have top-class Cancer Treatment in Bhubaneswar Odisha, Dr. Sudam aims to be approachable by the masses while upholding the highest quality standards. Top-notch services in a friendly, patient-centered environment, along with affordability, have earned him a reputation as one of the state’s most respected Onco-surgeon.

Medical Excellence Everyday

Dr. Sudam ensures both patients and their guardians feel comfortable, relaxed, and stress-free during treatment.

Proud to Care

Dr. Sudam constantly strives to set the highest standard in patient care and services.

Latest Technology

Dr. Sudam maintains global medical care standards using advanced technologies available currently.

Surely Perfect Consultation

The proper treatment for cancer needs more than just medical treatment. Dr. Sudam provides counseling and guidance for diet, pain, and stress management, ensuring comprehensive care.